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The Northern College of Acupuncture


Online MSc Programmes (Research and Practice)

E-Learning Taster Session 1: Introductions, Concepts and Positioning: Section 4

Section 1  |   Section 2  |   Section 3  |   Section 4

Download the Complex Case Management in Nutrition Keynote Lecture 1: Introductions, Concepts and Positioning slides: Three slides per page or single large slide per page

Click the play button (found below each slide) to listen to the audio clip for each slide in turn. At the bottom of the page, you can click to repeat any of the previous sections.

The Right Order of Things

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Learn how to restore function IN THE RIGHT ORDER

  • Doing the right thing in the wrong order can have adverse effects (underwear over trousers, socks over shoes?)
  • Navigate from the outer layers to inner layers of imbalance and dysfunction
  • Seek to reset homeodynamic balance



The Right Order of Things

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  1. Start with food: Whole, real foods
  2. Remove food allergens
  3. Work with the gut - almost always
  4. Optimise nutrient status
  5. Balance hormones
  6. Focus on detoxification as the last step!




Right Order of Things document image


Hyman, MA., 2009. The right order of things: peeling the onion of chronic disease. Alternative Therapies, 15(2), pp.18-20



FM Knowledge and Skills Audit

Optional Activity (30 minutes)
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  • Identify any development issues that you would like to add to your PDP
  • Identify actions to address these development issues during this module



Functional Medicine and the Healthcare System

Important Additional Benefits
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  • Functional Medicine creates a level playing field among practitioners
  • The Functional Medicine model makes readily apparent that there is a need for many different approaches to helping people become and stay well
  • Functional Medicine helps to create and disseminate a shared set of concepts and a common language
  • Ultimately, Functional Medicine can contribute greatly to our ability to create an integrated healthcare system



Video Conference Preparation
Goal Setting and Evaluation of Current Practice

Mandatory Activity (30 minutes)
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  • How am I using the FM approach/FM principles?
  • How am I currently using EIP in my work with patients?
  • How do I see my role as an advanced scholar practitioner in influencing approaches to healthcare for the future?
  • How can I use this module to develop my role and my current practice with regard to EIP and/or FM and/or advanced scholarly practice? (See also results of your Skills Audit)


Bring your thoughts to the video conference for discussion


Additional Resources

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  • Jones, D., Hofman, L. and Quinn, S., 2009. 21st Century Medicine: A New Model for Medical Education and Practice. Gig Harbor, WA: Institute for Functional Medicine. PDF available here
  • Sult, T.A., 2013. Just Be Well: A Book for Seekers of Vibrant Health. Highland Park (Illinois): Writers of the Round Table Press
  • - "the world's largest integrative medicine conference. On the first Monday of every month, this new concept in practitioner education, 'medutainment', brings together the latest health news, functional medicine research, practice development and health technology in an upbeat, entertaining way"



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Section 1  |   Section 2  |   Section 3  |   Section 4


Copyright Northern College of Acupuncture 2012-2024.
No part of this e-learning session may be reproduced without permission from the copyright holder